28 Weeks

>> Monday, December 20, 2010

Caution: Objects below may be surprisingly large, yet are exactly as they seem.

So the past couple weeks have been a whirlwind! I went to Ohio for work for a couple days, came back to spend the weekend traveling to and from the city to visit with Ben's parents and grandparents who were in town, and tomorrow we are leaving to drive back to Ohio for Christmas.

I am excited for my mom and sister to get to see my belly. For those who won't be around, here is a sneak peak. With each passing day I feel and look bigger!

Seriously did you see that belly!!

Funny Quotes of the week:

After putting on a shirt that is getting tighter, " Ben, are you sure I don't look like a big sausage stuffed in a little casing."

After eating a full meal and feeling like that was the appetizer, "This baby is like tape worm... I eat and eat but I am never feel full. "

We hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for keeping track of the goings on in our life!
-Ben and Amanda


The Advent Season

>> Thursday, December 4, 2008

I have never been one for celebrating traditional church holidays. I grew up in a home where most liturgical holidays were secularized to the point that they lost any resemblance of their original meaning. However the following blog has been extremely refreshing.

My friends over at Irruption, Brandon and Bret Rogers, have begun the task of blogging a 40 day advent devotional. It is well worth the time to read it each day. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Till next time.


The Beauty of Fall

>> Monday, October 27, 2008


The Greatest Politician

>> Friday, October 24, 2008

In 10 days America will decide on its leader for the next 4 years. Some choose based on who they can relate to most, or who they feel most embodies their ideology and pursues the furthermost of our own personal agendas.

One of the greatest “selling points” put forth by candidates is that they are just like us. They have come from humble beginnings. They are hockey-moms, they know Joe Plumber, and they have been through our struggles.

I know one guy who deserves everyone’s vote. He seems to have much more evidence of actually being one of us normal people...

He was born in a small town, to a blue collar working class mom and dad, He never went to college, and never received any formal education or training. He was a man of many sorrows. He never owned more than one home. He never made his first million, still doesn't have that two story house with a white picket fence, two dogs and a cat.

He started a new career by asking a few fishermen, a teenage boy, and a tax collector to help him. He campaigned throughout the countryside on foot, spreading his message of Change.
The people he came to help spit on him, beat him, refused to recognize the legitimacy of his message. They told him he was evil, satanic, and a nobody.

In his "campaign rallies" he pleaded with his listeners to embrace change and reject the stereotypes and norms of their society. He used historical references to prove his point and verify his message of change. He gave specific concrete examples of the mission he will accomplish. He never made fun of the oppressed, he never maligned the victimized.
He never abused his power. He never faulted his strength. He never forced himself on anyone. He won over the crowd with love and self sacrifice. He pursued justice and was murdered for it. He pursued peace and was beaten for it. With an army at his disposal he decided that your interests and mine were more important than a military victory. He laid aside his power to see to it that you and I receive what we so desperately need, reconciliation.

He is Jesus. His message is the ultimate Change. He is the ultimate Maverick. His sacrifice was that of the highest price. It cost him everything to give you and me all things. Every struggle you and I face He made the answer for. He created the ultimate bail-out to rescue us from darkness. He implemented a stimulus plan that works. The cost of that plan He paid for. He is our peace our hope and lover. He is Jesus.


The First Update -- Community

>> Wednesday, October 22, 2008

For anyone who is tuned in, here is the update the you have been waiting for.

It is cold!!!

Or at least for two Texans living in Ohio it is cold.

By the grace of God I move to Northeast Ohio for a job opportunity. Once here, I found out very quickly that there was other work, more kingdom oriented work, here for than just a position within corporate America.

As it stands now I work eight hours and day and labor to build the kingdom and pursue the Lord for the rest of the time that I am awake, ideally that would be the only things that I do. One of the main focuses of my intensity is building community within my church, Catalyst Church.

Working with my pastor, Jonathan Herron, we have managed to create two small groups, 2:42 groups, that meet in people homes, share food as well as fellowship.

Amanda and I are currently hosting a group that is going very well. We had the opportunity to sit down with one of the families currently attending and reminisced on how we met our spouse, hospital stories, and anything else that came to memory. It was a great time just to get to know two people who if it were not for the common bond of Christ that we share, my wife and I might have nothing in common with.

Friendship is good. It is necessary. You and I need it more than we will ever know. If you are not involved in a life giving small group make the time for it, you will not be disappointed.


Trying to get Into the Habit!!!

>> Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Amanda and I are living very busy lives right now, much of which we would love to share with you all. Currently our blog is under review for being a Spam Blog. Once Blogger realizes that I am not a Spammer we will get some updates posted.

Be Patient.